This application was developed as a means of exercise for high school students who will face the National Examination focused on Listening test. Because of the fact that many schools rarely conduct Listening exercises due to time constraints, access toward materials, infrstructure, poor quality speakers in classrooms, and many other things.
- Can be used WITHOUT internet access or signal
- Enhanced audio quality,
- Text and Questions from previous National Exams ,
- Skip directly to each questions without having to listen one by one,
- Every audio can be repeated,
- The picture is clear, coloured, and zoomed,
- Scoring system
- Transcript (pro)
- Discussion (pro)
- Key Answer (pro)
Can be used without teacher's presence, wherever and whenever, as a means of self study and individual task. Open for research.
Copyright on Script Problems and Audio as a whole goes to the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The Developers does not have, claims, and / or commercialize Pictures, Problem, Audio, or ownership of the copyright.
Whole texts, Audio and Images are distributed free to students with educational intent. The main purpose is to facilitate students in training their Listening skill and to provide access for students to study the questions.
Manuscript and audio contained in this application are those that has been widely distributed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and are not obtained through act of piracy or hacking by unlawful manner.
This app does not promise guarantee of passing UN in any form. This app does not promise about the similarity to upcoming tests that has not been widely distributed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia through the National Exam.
The use of the Content, Application, or the application system is completely on the responsibility of user. The developer of this app is not responsible for violation done by user. Purchases made in this application fully comply to Google PlayStore policy.
By using this application, users agree to all terms and conditions associated with this application and release the developers from copyright legal consequences or abuse that might be caused in the future